No one else is you and that is your power.


My name is Andrea (or Andy). I am a Radiohead fan and I collect heart shaped sunglasses and band T-shirts. I am a Cancerian, if you are into astrology, and Cancer’s motto is ‘I FEEL’ and it could not described me better.

I’ve been into art ever since I can remember. Maybe it’s because I am an introverted only child, maybe because art lets me escape and create my own world where I felt seen. In high school my grandfather gave me his old Eastern European version of a Rolleiflex and I was instantly mesmerized. Later I got my first DSLR and my schoolmate hired me to take pictures at her wedding, but I remember not being that sure about it: “What? Me shooting a wedding?” But magic happened that day and I fell in love. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

My grandma says: ‘Love is the only power there is….just LOVE.’

my approach

When I think about loving someone, I think about intimacy, honesty and adventure. And that’s what I want to show in my work. I inspire myself from the energy my couples bring in to capture their real selves. Seeing people holding hands, kissing, looking at each other with admiration. Love is all about the little things people don’t usually even think about. When I see a person with a bouquet of flowers on the street, I think of their partner and their expression when they get them. I love watching old couples eating at diners. Or people singing loudly in cars together.

All that is love and it’s all around us and my mission is to freeze it in time.

I approach my work candidly, collaboratively and honestly.


If living in San Francisco for almost a decade taught me anything, it is inclusivity. Being surrounded by people with different backgrounds and life stories cultivates deep empathy within you.

I welcome people of all races, colors, religions, genders, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, national origins, disabilities or ages.

Love is love.

things I like the most:

road trips (far and alone)

thrifting (all day every day)

Burning Man (fuck yeah!)

sauna (my sacred place)

books (99% non-fiction)

ice cream (caramel or coffee)

San Francisco (I could write a book about this place).


‘What’s love if it isn’t kisses, Kisses in the night time, Moving me like liquid.’
